Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care: A Guide to Tools and Resources for Patients and Providers

Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that starts with having a conversation and choosing a healthcare proxy or agent, completing a personal directive, or living will, and then sharing those wishes with the appropriate healthcare providers. ACP conversations are most effective when started before a crisis and re-visited periodically, since personal care preferences may change as circumstances change over time. This guide provides a curated list of tools and resources to support patients and providers through the ACP process, and serious illness or end-of-life care conversations.

Hand Hygiene Pre and Post Test Assessment

The Hand Hygiene Pre and Post Test Assessment provides a resource to document staff learning for this essential infection prevention activity. The test questions are based on the CDC “Show me the Science” web site. A separate document is provided with answers/explanations for the pre and post test questions.

Link to downloadable Hand Hygiene Pre-Test

Link to downloadable Hand Hygiene Post-Test

Health Equity Resource Series

These toolkits highlight four compelling strategies to prioritize health equity. These foundational pillars include:
– Data collection, validation, stratification and application of patient information to address disparate outcomes
– Cultural competency and implicit bias training and education
– Diversity and inclusion in leadership and governance roles
– Sustainable community partnerships focused on improving equity

American Heart Association’s “Rise Above Heart Failure”

American Heart Association Go-To-Guide, an easy-to-use, interactive tool designed to empower doctors and nurses to engage heart failure patients.

Resources for Patients

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use When Caring for Patients with Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 Competency

This tool is designed to support nurses, social workers, case managers, and others conducting effective discharge planning and care coordination for adults with disabilities who received care or treatment for COVID-19 illness in an acute care setting, are no longer COVID-19 positive, and require continuation or reconnection to supports and services. While not exhaustive, the resources and considerations proposed in this tool comprise promising practices to be addressed when practicable.