Get to Know Me

One of the most important steps in providing quality dementia care is familiarity with the person. These resources can be used to provide insight into the residents’ preferences, life history, and qualities that make them unique. Knowing this information can foster a more relaxed relationship between the resident and care providers. The facility can post this resource where it is accessible to all staff working with the resident.

Get to Know Me

Get to Know Me: Tips for Use

Feel free to contact ( the IPRO nursing home team for assistance with Dementia Care or Psychotropic reduction.

Monthly Pressure Ulcer Tracking Form and Guide

The Monthly Pressure Ulcer Tracking Form was developed to assist facilities track their pressure ulcers on a monthly basis with the ability to carry over unhealed/unresolved pressure ulcers unto a new monthly tracking form. It maintains an active list of all current pressure ulcers in real time to assist with the investigation, treatment and provide an important piece in the development of a targeted pressure ulcer prevention program. (See instructions below on how to download the tracking form.)

Complete this form to receive a link to download a zipped folder of the Pressure Ulcer Tracking Resources to include the Excel tracking form as well as a PDF instructional guide that explains the use of the tool:

For questions on the Monthly Pressure Ulcer Tracking Form and Guide, please contact Dave Johnson ( or

Joy in Work

Executive Summary
With increasing demands on time, resources, and energy, in addition to poorly designed systems of daily work, it’s not surprising health care professionals are experiencing burnout at increasingly higher rates, with staff turnover rates also on the rise. Yet, joy in work is more than just the absence of burnout or an issue of individual wellness; it is a system property. It is generated (or not) by the system and occurs (or not) organization-wide. Joy in work — or lack thereof — not only impacts individual staff engagement and satisfaction, but also patient experience, quality of care, patient safety, and organizational performance.

This white paper, published by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), is intended to serve as a guide for health care organizations to engage in a participative process where leaders ask colleagues at all levels of the organization, “What matters to you?” — enabling them to better understand the barriers to joy in work, and co-create
meaningful, high-leverage strategies to address these issues.
The white paper describes the following:
* The importance of joy in work (the “why”);
* Four steps leaders can take to improve joy in work (the “how”);
* The IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work: nine critical components of a system for ensuring a joyful, engaged workforce (the “what”);
* Key change ideas for improving joy in work, along with examples from organizations that helped test them; and
* Measurement and assessment tools for gauging efforts to improve joy in work.

Transfer Tracking Form and Guide

The Transfer Tracking Form was developed to provide facilities with a tool to track both their acute care and emergency department transfers over time. It maintains an active list of all transfers and any related aspects of each transfer in real time. (See instructions below on how to download the tracking form resources.)

Complete this form to receive a link to download a zipped folder of the Transfer Tracking Resources to include the Excel tracking form as well as a PDF instructional guide that explains the use of the tool:

For questions on the Transfer Tracking Form and Guide, please contact Dave Johnson ( or