Transfer Tracking Form and Guide

The Transfer Tracking Form was developed to provide facilities with a tool to track both their acute care and emergency department transfers over time. It maintains an active list of all transfers and any related aspects of each transfer in real time. (See instructions below on how to download the tracking form resources.)

Complete this form to receive a link to download a zipped folder of the Transfer Tracking Resources to include the Excel tracking form as well as a PDF instructional guide that explains the use of the tool:

For questions on the Transfer Tracking Form and Guide, please contact Dave Johnson ( or

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation

The IPRO QIN-QIO has prepared LINKS (Local Interactive Network of Knowledge Sharers) education materials and guidance to help spread awareness about health topics relevant to your community members and support population health.

Each LINKS portfolio (both English and Spanish versions) consists of a cover sheet, issue brief, and educational material/handouts. The cover sheet outlines the specific contents, suggested uses, and potential measurement strategies to assess reach and impact.

Links Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation Cover Flyer

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation Cover Flyer (Spanish)

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation What You Need to KnowFast Facts

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation What You Need to Know – Fast Facts (Spanish)

Help spread awareness on the importance of tobacco cessation with this fact sheet.

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation Presentation

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation Presentation (Spanish)

This PowerPoint presentation is about what tobacco cessation is, how to support cessation and ways to build awareness about it for patients/consumers. The presentation slides can be adapted to fit the needs of your specific audience or community.

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation Action Plan

LINKS Portfolio: Tobacco Cessation Action Plan (Spanish)

This action plan is designed to document patients/consumers cessation efforts to stay on track.

IPRO ECHO: When the Pain Won’t Stop: Whole Person Care Addressing Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain is a complex issue that is never solely biological. In this series we explore chronic pain from the biopsychosocial perspective. The three domains of chronic pain are: biological (e.g., tissue damage, inflammation); psychosocial (e.g., thoughts and emotions affect pain, memories of pain; social/sociological (e.g., socioeconomic, gender, ethnicity, isolation).

Session 1: Types of Pain and the Effect on the Management of Chronic Pain (10/25/23)

Session 2: Assessing Chronic Pain + Framing Co-occurring Disorders using ASAM criteria (11/8/2023)

Session 2 Slides

Session 3: Intervention Procedures vs. Restorative Therapies & Breakthrough in Chronic Pain Treatment (11/29/2023)

Session 3 Slides

Session 4: Analgesics of the Future & Integrative Thinking about Patient Care (12/13/2023)

Session 4 Slides

Session 5: Tips & Tricks of Non-Opioid Analgesics + Integrating Pain Reprocessing Therapy – PRT+ (1/10/2024)

Session 6: How Pain Meds May Help/Harm & Beyond the Assessment: The Roots of Emotional Pain (1/17/2024)

Session 6 Slides

Session 7: Managing Opioids in Chronic Pain Patients – Starting, Tapering, Converting, Stopping (1/24/2024)

Session 7 Slides

Session 8: Opioids and Chronic Pain – Is Buprenorphine the Preferred Agent? (1/31/2024)

Session 8 Slides

Your Worst Day: Emergency Preparedness and Response: 4-Part Educational Series

This Emergency Preparedness and Response Webinar series features real life experiences told through the lens of those who have experienced emergencies and will help you prepare and train for emergencies and anticipate potential hazards when an emergency occurs.

For healthcare workers, it is not of question of if, but when an emergency will strike. Emergencies can take many forms and are among the most disruptive experiences that healthcare workers might encounter. Being prepared can save lives, prevent financial/property loss, and ensure the safety and well-being of entire communities. Having a plan helps staff, patients, families, and residents know what to do, where to go, and how to keep themselves safe during an emergency, and ensures access to essential information and equipment.

Session 1: When Things Get Real! (4/20/2023)

Session 2: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know (4/27/2023)

Session 3: The Impact of Trauma (5/4/2023)

Session 4: The Media at Your Door (5/11/2023)

Enhancing Quality Improvement Adoption in US Nursing Homes

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated and illuminated quality failings in nursing homes, persistent equity issues, and the system- and policy-level factors that contribute to their endurance. To begin seeking ways to address these issues, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) conducted a 90-day innovation project to identify key activities to increase adoption of effective quality improvement practices in US nursing homes.

To inform the work, IHI conducted a literature scan focused on quality improvement in US nursing homes and the Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program; 20+ expert interviews; and a site visit to one high-performing nursing home.

This report summarizes the research findings and presents some recommendations for organizations seeking to work with nursing homes to improve quality.

IPRO QIN-QIO Opioid Utilization Dashboard

The IPRO QIN-QIO Opioid Utilization Dashboard is an interactive tool in Tableau that shows geographic comparisons at the state and county levels of de-identified Medicare Part D opioid prescriptions filled within11 states and the District of Columbia in the IPRO QIN-QIO network. We also provide information on the concomitant use of benzodiazepines and opioids. Our goal is to support your efforts, as an organization or a community partner, in improving opioid prescribing practices.

Click here for a Video tutorial on how to use the dashboard

For questions or additional information about this Dashboard, please email Anne Myrka, RPh, MAT, .