Hospital Readmission Risk Score Calculator

The HOSPITAL Score is a validated prediction tool to identify patients at a high risk of potentially avoidable hospital readmission. It is intended to allow hospitals to assign extra discharge & care transition services to those patients most likely to be readmitted.


The LACE index identifies patients that are at risk for readmission or death within thirty days of discharge. It incorporates four parameters.

New York State Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Instructional Webinar – free when using code

An on-line instructional webinar created in collaboration with IPRO QIN-QIO, the University at Buffalo, and the NYS Department of Health Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement can be accessed at the link above.

Prescribers and pharmacists who work or live in DC, DE, CT, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OH, RI, VT can earn 1.0 hour of free ACCME or ACPE continuing education for completing this program by using this code when prompted: qinub23.

It is available June 15, 2023, through June 12, 2025, and covers a variety of topics associated with the New York State Prescription Monitoring Program Registry (PMP) for controlled substances, including the use of the PMP registry search, use of the PMP Data Collection Tool, and interstate data sharing.

High-Risk Medications Essential Communication Elements Guide for Transitions of Care

The purpose of this guide is improvement of cross-setting management of high risk medications (opioids, anticoagulants, and diabetes medications) during transitions of care to prevent adverse drug events and subsequently reduce emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and readmissions.

How can the Essential Communication Elements tools be utilized?

• Provide the fundamental communication criteria necessary for the proper transition of care related to pain medications, anticoagulants, and diabetes medications.
• Evaluate your facility practices regarding communication of requisite medication‐related elements to subsequent providers.
• Identify opportunities for system improvements.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Screening and Management Mobile Apps

Webpage to access the web-based, Apple App Store, and Google Play versions of the Clinician CKD Screening app and the patient-centered Kidney Choices app. IPRO’s Clinician CKD Screening and Patient-Centered Kidney Choices apps were designed to:
-Help identify CKD early in at-risk patients and to help manage CKD
-To help delay progression
-To provide kidney replacement information for patients whose CKD has progressed to kidney failure.

Management of Anticoagulation in the Peri-Procedural Period (MAPPP) app

Webpage for the MAPPP app. Provides links to web-based, Apple App Store and Google Play versions of MAPPP app along with multiple patient education resources directly related to peri-procedural anticoagulant interruption. Surgery and invasive medical interventions increase the risk of bleeding, while withholding anticoagulants increases the risk of thrombosis due to the underlying condition(s) for which anticoagulation was originally prescribed. The clinical team must therefore balance these competing risks and make educated decisions regarding the decision to interrupt oral anticoagulation for a medical procedure and, if interrupted, whether to “bridge” anticoagulation with injectable anticoagulants, such as low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in warfarin treated patients.

This guide is intended to:

Assist clinicians in the simultaneous evaluation of procedure-related bleeding risk and underlying risk of thrombosis
Guide decisions regarding the interruption of anticoagulation and the use of anticoagulant “bridging”
Provide detailed guidance for drug dosing and laboratory monitoring in the peri-procedural period
Encourage clear communication between clinicians involved in prescribing anticoagulants and performing invasive procedures

Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment

Complete the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment.

The Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment was adapted from the CDC’s document: Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Our assessment contains 22 questions within 12 best practice recommendation areas with a Likert scale response range of whether the best practice is performed Very Frequently, Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely or Never. It is used with hospitals, nursing homes, home healthcare services, and primary care practices and is deployed quarterly after the initial response for serial assessment of improvement.

Use with Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain document and the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Aggregate Results Dashboard.

For more information see our website:

Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Aggregate Results Dashboard

Use with the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment and the Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain document.

The Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment Aggregate Results Dashboard shows baseline and quarterly results aggregated by all care settings, hospital, nursing home, home healthcare and primary care.

For questions or additional information about this Dashboard, please email Anne Myrka, RPh, MAT, .

Buprenorphine for Pain: A Transition Guide from Full Agonist Opioid Prescriptions

Buprenorphine for Pain: A Transition Guide from Full Agonist Opioid Prescriptions is a tool intended to aid clinicians in switching patients off of full opioid agonists to buprenorphine, a partial mixed opioid agonist for pain management.

The information presented in this document should not be considered medical advice and is not a substitute for individualized patient or client care and treatment decisions.