Management of Anticoagulation in the Peri-Procedural Period (MAPPP) app

Resource Location:

Webpage for the MAPPP app. Provides links to web-based, Apple App Store and Google Play versions of MAPPP app along with multiple patient education resources directly related to peri-procedural anticoagulant interruption. Surgery and invasive medical interventions increase the risk of bleeding, while withholding anticoagulants increases the risk of thrombosis due to the underlying condition(s) for which anticoagulation was originally prescribed. The clinical team must therefore balance these competing risks and make educated decisions regarding the decision to interrupt oral anticoagulation for a medical procedure and, if interrupted, whether to “bridge” anticoagulation with injectable anticoagulants, such as low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in warfarin treated patients.

This guide is intended to:

Assist clinicians in the simultaneous evaluation of procedure-related bleeding risk and underlying risk of thrombosis
Guide decisions regarding the interruption of anticoagulation and the use of anticoagulant “bridging”
Provide detailed guidance for drug dosing and laboratory monitoring in the peri-procedural period
Encourage clear communication between clinicians involved in prescribing anticoagulants and performing invasive procedures