Value in Vaccination Video Series

The IPRO QIN-QIO introduces a Value in Vaccination Video Series, designed for interactive conversations about getting vaccinated.

The IPRO QIN-QIO also created companion conversation guides to help encourage discussion about the theme of each video. 

Values in Vaccination Video Series is a three part series:

Part 1: Getting information

Part 2: Influencing Factors

Part 3: Building Confidence

Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness Resources

Nursing Home Survey Tag Specific Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Checklist to cross reference facility emergency preparedness plan with CMS survey requirements to ensure all elements are addressed in facility emergency preparedness plan. There is also a companion document that provides links to resources for emergency preparedness plan development.

Tag Specific Emergency Preparedness Resources

Companion document to Nursing Home Tag Specific Emergency Preparedness Checklist.

Anticoagulation Action Plan

CDC estimates that among the most common causes of hospital admissions, adverse drug events associated with anticoagulants is one of the top five reasons. Adverse events are associated with bleeding, blood clots, stroke, MI, brain hemorrhage, and other events. The Anticoagulation Action Plan provides SMART goals which may be initiated at your facility in a stepwise manner to progress toward an Anticoagulant Monitoring Program.

Igniting Compassion

The Center for Health Affairs in Cleveland, Ohio released a 33-minute documentary called Igniting Compassion. Through the stories of doctors, nurses, people in recovery from substance use disorders, and their family members, it seeks to dismantle medical stigma associated with substance use and educate on various treatment pathways. It also recognizes clinician burnout and provides practical examples of active listening and authenticity.

Documenting Expressions

Documentation in health care is an important communication tool for the health care team as they care for residents/patients. It is important to have medical documentation of individuals’ expressions/ behaviors and the events that precipitated the expressions/behaviors. Without documentation, there is no evidence of what occurred or how to mitigate expressions/behaviors in the future. Included is Tips for Use to help your team get the most out of the “Documentation of Expressions (Behaviors)” resource, which provides examples of both best practices and poor practices for documentation of expressions. The one-page “Documentation of Expressions” resource paired with pre- and post-tests will provide nurses with a solid foundation for clearly communicating what occurred and the steps that were taken by staff to de-escalate the expression or behavior.

Documentation of Expressions: Tips for Use

Documentation of Expressions

Education for Documentation: Pre and Post Learning Assessment

Answer Key: Pre & Post Assessment

PDSA Steps and Tools

This is a guide to the 11 steps through a Plan Do Study Act Cycle. Included for each step: the purpose, procedures, a list of possible tools an improvement team might use to accomplish their goals and the outcome.