The Care of Residents with Opioid & Stimulant Use Disorders in Long-Term Care Settings Toolkit

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This toolkit outlines six tips to help your LTCF care for your residents with OUD and the co-occurring use of stimulants. Administrators, directors of nursing (DON), medical directors, social workers, nurses, and certified nursing assistants (CNA) can all use these resources. This toolkit will help you comply with state and federal policies and provide evidence-based care to residents with OUD and SUD. Each tip has a list of suggested policies, processes, and educational resources to help your LTCF be better prepared to work with and provide continuity of care to those residents. Finally, in the appendices you will find a table of pharmacotherapy options, process maps for transitions of care, and template forms.

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Focus Area(s): Adverse drug event resources, Behavioral health resource, Care coordination, Opioid/pain management resources, Prevention/management of chronic health conditions, Quality Improvement Resources