Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment

Resource Location: https://redcap.ipro.org/surveys/?s=M9A87MDK4X

Complete the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment.

The Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment was adapted from the CDC’s document: Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Our assessment contains 22 questions within 12 best practice recommendation areas with a Likert scale response range of whether the best practice is performed Very Frequently, Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely or Never. It is used with hospitals, nursing homes, home healthcare services, and primary care practices and is deployed quarterly after the initial response for serial assessment of improvement.

Use with Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain document and the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Aggregate Results Dashboard.

For more information see our website:
