Complicated grief and related factors among nursing staff during the Covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

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The challenging working conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic created a perfect storm that can seriously impact nurses’ physical and psychological well-being. Our study aimed to investigate complicated grief and its related factors among nursing staff during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Due to frequent exposure to patients’ deaths, healthcare providers are at increased risk of suffering from complicated grief during the Covid-19 and post-pandemic. If it remains unresolved, complicated grief can result in significant health problems and the experience of burnout among nurses. Governments, health authorities, and nursing managers should support nurses who work in Covid-19 settings to reduce the adverse impact of the pandemic
on nurses’ health and well-being.

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Focus Area(s): Adverse drug event resources, Behavioral health resource, COVID-19, COVID-19: Nursing Homes, Nursing Home Quality, Opioid/pain management resources, Quality Improvement Resources, Social determinants of health, Workforce engagement