Chronic Kidney Disease Disparities: Educational Guide for Primary Care

This educational guide is intended to foster the development of primary care practice teams to enhance care for vulnerable patients who are at risk of CKD or who have CKD and are at risk of progression of disease or complications. This guide addresses three aspects of care: identification of CKD; treatment and monitoring progression; and delivering patient-centered care. It is meant to inform readers about disparities in the care of patients with CKD, present potential actions that may improve care and suggest other available resources that may be used by primary care practice teams in caring for vulnerable patients.

CMS Nursing Home Adverse Drug Event Trigger Tool

This tool was developed by CMS for use by nursing home surveyors and is a valuable resource for organizations that are focusing on preventing ADEs.

It was designed to help surveyors identify:

1. The extent to which facilities have identified resident-specific risk factors for adverse drug events

2. The extent to which facilities developed and implemented systems and processes to minimize risks associated with medications that are known to be high-risk and problem-prone

3. When a preventable adverse event has occurred, evaluate if the nursing home identified the issue and responded appropriately to mitigate harm to the individual and prevent recurrence.

Compendium of Resources for Providing Affirming Care to LGBTQ+ Individuals

Individuals that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or other sexual orientations and gender identities face unique health-related challenges and disparities due to discrimination and stigma in health care settings.

The IPRO QIN-QIO has developed this compendium of tools and resources for healthcare professionals to help promote more affirming, inclusive, and equitable care for the LGBTQ+ community.

Complex Care Compendium: A Guide to Support Better Outcomes for People with Complex Needs

Effective and person-centered care is key to supporting the overall health of adults who are experiencing physical, behavioral and/or social needs. There are several emerging practices in the field that help improve care delivery, reduce avoidable hospital utilization and lead to healthier outcomes for patients.

This compendium highlights select models and practices related to complex care.

Complicated grief and related factors among nursing staff during the Covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

The challenging working conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic created a perfect storm that can seriously impact nurses’ physical and psychological well-being. Our study aimed to investigate complicated grief and its related factors among nursing staff during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Due to frequent exposure to patients’ deaths, healthcare providers are at increased risk of suffering from complicated grief during the Covid-19 and post-pandemic. If it remains unresolved, complicated grief can result in significant health problems and the experience of burnout among nurses. Governments, health authorities, and nursing managers should support nurses who work in Covid-19 settings to reduce the adverse impact of the pandemic
on nurses’ health and well-being.

COVID Therapeutics Action Plan

The COVID therapeutics action plan provides a template with goals, resources and sample PDSA cycles to assist in the initiation of a plan to optimize the treatment of COVID. The action plan includes a focus on antiviral start time, NIH guideline adherence, monitoring and dosing . A REDCap data collection tool is available to assist with data collection and reporting.