Lean how to understand your CASPER data and build an effective date review process.
Using Disinfectants to Control the COVID-19 Virus
This guidance is for the public and professionals to control the COVID-19 virus on surfaces. The coronavirus named “SARSCoV-2” is the cause of “COVID-19” in people.
Using Z Codes: SDOH Data Journey Map
This infographic describes the journey that social determinants of health (SDOH) data takes from the individual through the health system to data reporting as ICD-10-CM Z codes. It discusses data collection, documentation, coding and reporting. It contains resources to help implement programs to collect and report SDOH data in a manner that can lead to better health outcomes for individuals.
UTI Diagnosis and Prevention Quality Improvement Action Plan for Nursing Homes
The UTI Diagnosis and Prevention Action Plan template can assist Nursing Homes in assessing the management of urinary tract infections in the facility. The template includes examples of root cause analysis, SMART goals, PDSA cycles, resources and a staff pre and posttest knowledge assessment. The Action Plan is created in Word format to allow the user to modify the content to meet facility specific needs.
UTI Treatment Quality Improvement Action Plan for Nursing Homes
The UTI Treatment Action Plan template can assist Nursing Homes in assessing the management of urinary tract infections in the facility. The template includes examples of root cause analysis, SMART goals, PDSA cycles, resources and a staff pre and posttest knowledge assessment. The Action Plan is created in Word format to allow the user to modify the content to meet facility specific needs.
Utilization of Z Codes for Social Determinants of Health Among Medicare FFS Beneficiaries, 2019
This report updates the 2017 data highlight on Z code claims for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. Using social determinants of health (SDOH) Z codes can enhance quality improvement activities, track factors that influence people’s health, and provide further insight into existing health inequities. The report describes Z code claim data collected from 2016-2019 and highlights potential strategies to increase Z code utilization in reducing health care disparities.
Vaccinations for Adults
IPRO developed power point for community providers to offer education to adults on vaccinations.
Value in Vaccination Video Series
The IPRO QIN-QIO introduces a Value in Vaccination Video Series, designed for interactive conversations about getting vaccinated.
The IPRO QIN-QIO also created companion conversation guides to help encourage discussion about the theme of each video.
Values in Vaccination Video Series is a three part series:
Part 1: Getting information
Part 2: Influencing Factors
Part 3: Building Confidence
What You Need to Know About Managing Your Cholesterol
What You Need to Know About Managing Your Cholesterol.
When Someone You Know Starts Hemodialysis
This resource is a information guide for care partners of nursing home patients who are starting hemodialysis. The guide includes information on what to expect and ways care partners can help.
Workplace Violence Learning Event
4 Part Series on Workplace violence prevention and awareness.
Your Worst Day: Emergency Preparedness and Response: 4-Part Educational Series
This Emergency Preparedness and Response Webinar series features real life experiences told through the lens of those who have experienced emergencies and will help you prepare and train for emergencies and anticipate potential hazards when an emergency occurs.
For healthcare workers, it is not of question of if, but when an emergency will strike. Emergencies can take many forms and are among the most disruptive experiences that healthcare workers might encounter. Being prepared can save lives, prevent financial/property loss, and ensure the safety and well-being of entire communities. Having a plan helps staff, patients, families, and residents know what to do, where to go, and how to keep themselves safe during an emergency, and ensures access to essential information and equipment.
Session 1: When Things Get Real! (4/20/2023)
Session 2: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know (4/27/2023)
Session 3: The Impact of Trauma (5/4/2023)
Session 4: The Media at Your Door (5/11/2023)