Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness Resources

Nursing Home Survey Tag Specific Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Checklist to cross reference facility emergency preparedness plan with CMS survey requirements to ensure all elements are addressed in facility emergency preparedness plan. There is also a companion document that provides links to resources for emergency preparedness plan development.

Tag Specific Emergency Preparedness Resources

Companion document to Nursing Home Tag Specific Emergency Preparedness Checklist.

Nursing Home Naloxone Policy and Procedure Toolkit

According to a CMS memo regarding Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder (SUD), CMS has identified a need to improve guidance related to meeting the unique health needs of residents with mental health diagnoses and SUD. CMS clarified that when facilities care for residents with these conditions, policies and practices must not conflict with resident rights or other requirements of participation. They further clarified that facility staff should have knowledge of signs and symptoms of possible substance use, and are prepared to address emergencies (e.g., an overdose) by increasing monitoring, administering naloxone, initiating cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as appropriate, and contacting emergency medical services.[1] This naloxone nursing home toolkit is intended to provide easy to adapt policies and procedures for nursing homes that need to implement or improve their emergency response to opioid overdose, which includes naloxone administration.

[1] Revised Long-Term Care Surveyor Guidance | CMS. Accessed January 17, 2023. (

The Nursing Home Naloxone Policy & Procedure Toolkit PowerPoint

This is another resource, designed to be used as an introductory presentation. This slide deck contains an abridged version of the Toolkit and provides a general overview of the Toolkit contents. It includes select references to regulatory guidance, background, need assessment, features, and brief descriptions of the policies, procedures, and resources contained in the Toolkit.

Nursing Home Naloxone Policy & Procedure Toolkit Implementation Checklist

This resource was created to help facilities implement the Nursing Home Naloxone Policy & Procedure Toolkit. This checklist provides an overview for a process to successfully implement select toolkit contents.

Nursing Home Respiratory Tract Infection Action Plan

The RTI Treatment Action Plan template can assist Nursing Homes in assessing the management of respiratory tract infections in the facility. The template includes examples of root cause analysis, SMART goals, PDSA cycles, resources, and a staff pre and posttest knowledge assessment. The Action Plan is created in Word format to allow the user to modify the content to meet facility specific needs.

Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Aggregate Results Dashboard

Use with the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment and the Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain document.

The Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment Aggregate Results Dashboard shows baseline and quarterly results aggregated by all care settings, hospital, nursing home, home healthcare and primary care.

For questions or additional information about this Dashboard, please email Anne Myrka, RPh, MAT, .

Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment

Complete the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment.

The Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Assessment was adapted from the CDC’s document: Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Our assessment contains 22 questions within 12 best practice recommendation areas with a Likert scale response range of whether the best practice is performed Very Frequently, Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely or Never. It is used with hospitals, nursing homes, home healthcare services, and primary care practices and is deployed quarterly after the initial response for serial assessment of improvement.

Use with Quality Improvement and Care Coordination: Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain document and the Opioid and Pain Management Best Practice Aggregate Results Dashboard.

For more information see our website:

Pain Management Discharge Communication

A list of suggested pain management items that should be communicated to the next provider upon discharge. A way to engage a care transition community, identify communication elements needed for electronic health record modification, or provide an additional tool to improve med reconciliation.

Read the article “Pain management-related assessment and communication across the care continuum: Consensus of the opioid task force of the island peer review organization pain management coalition” published in the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.