Best Practice Strategies for Health Equity Data Collection

This resource supplements the Health Equity Organization Assessment (HEOA) and offers best practices to address opportunities for improvement from the HEOA results. It is a valuable resource for any organization seeking best practices for improving consistent patient demographic data collection – including REaL (race, ethnicity and language) and SDOH (social determinants of health) – and using the data to identify and address health disparities.

NQIIC Health Equity Roadmap

This resource covers three key areas that should be addressed before beginning any quality improvement or patient safety initiative. It does have a focus on health equity.–/view?usp=sharing

Compendium of Resources for Providing Affirming Care to LGBTQ+ Individuals

Individuals that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or other sexual orientations and gender identities face unique health-related challenges and disparities due to discrimination and stigma in health care settings.

The IPRO QIN-QIO has developed this compendium of tools and resources for healthcare professionals to help promote more affirming, inclusive, and equitable care for the LGBTQ+ community.